Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sup. Natl In Macbeth Essays - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays

Sup. Nat'l In Macbeth Essays - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays Sup. Nat'l In Macbeth Supernatural Forces in Macbeth In Shakespeares Macbeth, specific scenes focus the readers attention to the suspense and involvement of the supernatural. The use of witches, apparitions and ghosts are an important element in making the play interesting. Examining certain scenes of the play, it can be determined that as supernatural occurrences develop, Macbeth reflects a darker self-image. Macbeth experiences his first strange encounter of the supernatural when he meets the three witches in act one, scene one. After learning of his prophecies to become king, Macbeth states, Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor: The greatest is behind (still to come). (1.3.117-118). Shakespeare uses foreshadowing, a literary technique, to suggest to his readers the character Macbeth will suffer a personality change. Macbeth also implies his first notions of plotting an evil scheme by this comment. After the prophecies of the witches revealed the fate of Macbeth, the quest of the throne will be his next victory. The witches reveal a fate for Macbeth and imply that a part of what will come to him must come, but they reveal no fate of evil-doing for him and never, even by suggestion, bind him to evil doing. , states literary critic Willard Furnham. Furnham declares the only power the witches obtain over Macbeth, is the power of insinuation. By offering to Macbeth the idea of power, the witches push Macbeth to the next level of greed and evil which was non-existent prior to the encounter. The murder and death of King Duncan initiates Macbeths second encounter with the supernatural when he witnesses a floating dagger. As Macbeth awaits the signal to make his way up the stairs, he sees the floating dagger and proclaims, Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, fatal vision, sensible (able to be felt) to feeling as to sight, or art thou but a dagger of the mind, a false creation, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain? (2.2.33-38). This apparition confuses and frightens Macbeth. He can not c omprehend how he can see something and not be able to touch it. Thou leads me the way I was going; and such an instrument I was to use. And on thy blade and hilt, drops of blood which was not so before. Theres no such thing. It is bloody business which takes shape. (2.2.43-49) Here, Macbeth begins to question whether his mind is playing tricks on him. The situation seems quite coincidental considering he is minutes from murdering a man with a similar weapon. He states the apparition is due to the bloody business about to occur. The dagger symbolizes the point of no return for Macbeth. If he chooses the path in which the dagger leads, there will be no turning back. Macbeth fears Banquo for his prophecy is to father kings, so Macbeth proceeds to plot the murder of his once friend, which spurs yet another brush with the supernatural. Macbeth attends a banquet at which he witnesses the ghost of his dead friend. (3.4.37-145) The fortunes of the three witches sparked Macbeths desire to mu rder Banquo and caused him to dig himself into a deeper hole. Macbeths guilt and fear combined drive him to darker and more evil actions in an attempt to cover his past misdeeds. What man dare, I dare. Approach though like the rugged Russian bear, the armed rhinoceros, or th Hyrcan tiger; Take any shape but that (Banquo) and my firm nerves shall never tremble. (3.4.100-104) Macbeth is terribly frightened by the bloody ghost haunting him and is angered that the ghost revealed it self to him. His guilt causes him to proclaim he could take on a rhino, tiger or any other wild animal, but not Banquos ghost. After his encounter with the ghost, Macbeth proceeds to visit the witches one last time to insure his security. After this last visit, Macbeth becomes overconfident and a tyrant, which cause his downfall. The use of supernatural in Macbeth, is a major factor in the suspenseful nature of his work. Without the witches, apparitions and the ghost, Macbeth could not have reached his downfa ll. The use of supernatural in Macbeth caused Macbeth to become a darker and more evil person with each paranormal

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Noble Gases List

Noble Gases List The elements in the last column or group of the periodic table share special properties. These elements are noble gases, sometimes called inert gases. Atoms belonging to the noble gas group have completely filled their outer electron shells. Each element is non-reactive, has high ionization energy, electronegativity near zero, and a low boiling point. Moving down the group in the periodic table from top to bottom, the elements become more reactive. While helium and neon are practically inert and are gases, the elements further down the periodic table more readily form compounds which are more easily liquefied. Except for helium, all of the names of the noble gas elements end with -on. Elements in the Noble Gas Group Helium  (He, atomic number 2) is an extremely light, inert gas at room temperature and pressure. The liquid form of the element is the only liquid known to man that cannot be solidified, no matter how low the temperature drops. Helium is so light it can escape the atmosphere and bleed away into space.Neon  (Ne, atomic number 10) consists of a mix of three stable isotopes. The element is used to make signs and gas lasers and as a refrigerant. Neon, like helium, is inert under most conditions. However, neon ions and unstable clathrates are known. Like all noble gases, neon glows a distinctive color when excited. The characteristic reddish-orange glow of signs comes from excited neon.Argon  (Ar, atomic number 18) in nature is a mixture of three stable isotopes. Argon is used in lasers and to provide an inert atmosphere for welding and chemicals, but it can form clathrates and has been known to form ions. Argon is heavy enough that it doesnt readily escape Earths gravity, so it is present in appreciable concentrations in the atmosphere. Krypton  (Kr, atomic number 36) is a dense, colorless, inert gas. Its used in lasers and lamps.Xenon  (Xe, atomic number 54) in nature consists of a mix of stable isotopes. The pure element is inert and non-toxic, but it forms compounds which may be colored and are toxic because they display strong oxidizing tendencies. Xenon is encountered in everyday life in xenon lamps such as strobe lamps and some vehicle headlamps.Radon  (Rn, atomic number 86) is a heavy noble gas. All of its isotopes are radioactive. Although colorless under ordinary conditions, radon is phosphorescent as a liquid, glowing yellow and then red.Oganesson (Og, atomic number 118) presumably would behave like a noble gas but would be more reactive than the other elements in the group. Only a few atoms of oganesson have been produced, but it is believed that it will be a liquid or solid at room temperature. Oganesson is the element with the highest atomic number (mostly protons) on the periodic table. It is ext remely radioactive.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Outline.This is only an outline for a research paper that is going to

Outline.This is only an outline for a that is going to be written latter,so the topic is outline - Research Paper Example One major argument on the matter is with relation to scientology. Scientology has grown in contemporary years and has seen many people join the particular movement (Barth, 2007). With the absence of religion, people would grow further believing in the movement. Religion exists in current days and people still carry out heinous crimes on a daily basis. It is only right to state that with absence of religion, these crimes would increase significantly. People would invade other’s privacy stealing and committing murders. (Matlock, 2008) Society would have no rubrics and humans would lack personal rules by which to abide. Without religion, people in society would lack common grounds (Ryan, 2007). Getting together in prayer and worship is one factor that unites people of different backgrounds and social stature. Lack thereof would lead to judgment and condescending among people. Atheists portray this when looking at the manner in which most of them live their lives. People would lack a sense of unity and this would act as a sign for the beginning of societal and humanity’s

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Is a woman's earning potential equal to that of a man Research Paper

Is a woman's earning potential equal to that of a man - Research Paper Example Variations in levels of income have been an inspiration for much empirical research and debate ever since the mid nineteenth century. In addition, statistics and figures for analyzing variations in income levels have since increased in availability. Many factors affect the earnings that individuals make, including level of education, gender, race, social backgrounds, and occupational differences. In studies to disentangle discrepancies in annual incomes between men and women, a significant portion of the difference remains unexplainable and highly controversial. Many researchers attribute the unexplained variation to gender discrimination in the workplace, although numerous research efforts try to explicate the particular elements that contribute to the unexplained variation. This report focuses on determining whether women and men have any significant differences in their annual incomes for determinate years of education. Introduction The advances feminist movements have made a sign ificant contribution to the income parity for men and women over the last few decades. The income gap for women and men started to decrease or significantly in the 70s. For 1980 to 1990, income disparity stood at 60.2% and 71.6%, a 3.4% increase.From 1990 to 2000, the change was from 71.6% and 73.7%, a change of 2.1%. From 2000 to 2010, the ratio of women to men’s income rose from 73.7% to 77%, a 3.3% upsurge.However, significant differences still abound in the income levels between men and women, especially for high paying jobs. ... Up to bachelors level, the years of education are more determinable, but for masters and PhD degree programs. According to a research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, analyzing the income anomalies between women and men, the comparisons were against level of education or years of learning. Income levels and years of learning for women (US Census Bureau, 1) Educational Level Years of Education Women’s Income High School 12 21,117 Some College 14 25,185 Bachelor's 16 36,532 Masters 18 45,730 Doctorate 20 54,666 Income levels and years of education for men (US Census Bureau, 1) Educational Level Years of Education Men’s Income High School 12 32,085 Some College 14 39,150 Bachelor's 16 52,265 Masters 18 67,123 Doctorate 20 78,324 A comparison in income levels for men and women (US Census Bureau, 14) Educational Level Years of Education Men’s Income Women’s Income Average Income Women as a % of Men's 1 High School 12 32,085 21,117 26,601 65.8% 2 Some College 14 39,150 25,185 32,168 64.3% 3 Bachelor's 16 52,265 36,532 44,399 69.9% 4 Masters 18 67,123 45,730 56,427 68.1% 5 Doctorate 20 78,324 54,666 66,495 69.8% Background on the number of years of education and annual income The number of years of learning a person has considerably affects a person’s annual income level. As the number of years of education increases, the income also increases, although inherent differences still exist within these differences. For instance, persons with a bachelor’s degree tend to earn almost double the incomes of high school graduates. According to a 2005 study on income and gender by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2), women of similar educational levels with men earned significantly less in comparison to their male

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Why Are Stereotypes Dangerous and What Can Be Done to Reduce Them Essay Example for Free

Why Are Stereotypes Dangerous and What Can Be Done to Reduce Them Essay Very often, in our everyday life, we tend to make certain generalizations about things and people around us. This is because we are constantly exposed to heaps of information, and in order to cope with the complexity of the world around us, we need to generalize and categorize. [1] Sometimes we do this on purpose, with some intention. However, very often we do this subconsciously, unaware of what we are doing. Many people generalize on others according to their clothes, profession, origin, way of speaking, and many other, outer markers. This sort of thinking could be very dangerous, and it can lead us to creating stereotypes. Stereotype is a term which most people â€Å"avoid† in our time, and many of us usually deny using them at all. However, we have to admit that stereotypes are present in every segment of our lives, on television, in newspapers, books, and even in cartoons. It is obvious that stereotypes are something we cannot escape from. They can sometimes even help us, if used as a first step towards learning more about other people and cultures, as long as we are aware of their existence. [2] However, if taken to be completely true, stereotypes can be very dangerous, and can lead to prejudice, discrimination, persecution and even genocide. 3] This is the point when, apparently â€Å"hurtles† remarks and conclusions about other people, based on their appearance, way of speaking, job or nationality, become very serious. This is when people, led by some preconceived, over-generalized, and exaggerated images, start having certain expectations and assumptions about the others (prejudice), start acting and treating them in a cruel way (discrimination), or, in the worst cases, grow into something so dangerous as violation and killing of the stereotyped groups (persecution, genocide). In order for this not to happen, stereotypes should be reduced as much as possible. One of the possible ways of doing this is making people aware of the seriousness of using stereotypes, by propagating this idea through the media, introducing it in the education system, and by making people aware that every â€Å"group† is a group of different people, a group of individuals. Prejudice One of the possible dangers of using stereotypes is the fact that they can serve as bases for prejudice. Prejudice can be defined as an unfavorable opinion formed against a person or group, based on stereotypes. 4] This is dangerous because it leads us to having certain expectations about people in advance. We make our own conclusions, our own visions of those people. This can prevent us from â€Å"going further,† from exploring and getting to know more about the people we are stereotyping. One of the most common distributors of prejudice are national stereotypes. National stereotypes are usually created among groups of people who are â€Å"not so fond† of each other, and obviously, they are in most cases negative. For example, in our country, it is a common belief that all Americans are evil. This is because we have had many unpleasant situations, related to war and recent political clashes, where the Americans were â€Å"to blame. † However, this does not mean that all Americans are evil, and that all of them are war-mongers. However, many of us would not do anything to prove this to be true. There are many examples of national stereotypes found in films, and they can be a very powerful distributor of prejudice and ill-formed images of other nations. They are dangerous because they can influence viewers behavior and attitudes towards the stereotyped nations, since most people take everything broadcast on television for granted. For example, in many American Western movies, Native American people are stereotyped as savages. At first, they were noble savages, but when they became an obstacle for the Whites, they started to be stereotyped as wild, primitive, uncivilized, dangerous people who sadistically kill the Whites. These stereotypical portrayals of the Natives gave way to thinking that all Natives were cruel savages and villains. However, people who ever had any interest in American history know that the situation was quite the opposite. In a similar way, African American people sometimes happen to be the thugs- drug dealers, or even the murderers in the American films. In a recent American film Lakeview Terrace, a couple of young Americans move to a new town, where they are tortured by their next door neighbor, who is accidentally or not- Black. Although this is said not to be done on purpose, people who watch this sort of movies can subconsciously form negative attitudes towards African American people. Led by this wrong image propagated on television, people can subconsciously create negative opinion about them. For example, a person walking through a park at night, on encountering a group of Blacks, will probably not feel the same as if, for example, they came across a group of Whites. [5] Another example of national stereotypes that is a common basis for prejudice is the world-wide known English stereotype, a reserved, cold, stiff-upper-lips. [6] These typical English characteristics became so widely present in the media, that most people apply them as real English characteristics. This, of course, is not true, simply because all people are different, and we cannot apply one characteristic to a group, without considering it as a group of individuals. However, people usually believe in everything they hear or see on TV, and consequently form some kind of expectations and prejudice against the people they do not actually know. To prove this to be true, some of my colleagues and me had some people from our environment interviewed on this topic. It is interesting that most of them had similar answers, and almost everyone said the English were reserved, snobbish, and even evil. Americans were fat and stupid, self-centered. Although none of them would admit to be stereotyping, they all somehow knew this was true. Many of them, when asked if they would ever live in these countries responded negativelly, because the people were bad. Thus they had some prejudices formed against these people, and did not want to do anything to help them understand and appreciate the other culture. Discrimination When the stereotypes we have formed last for too long in our minds, they can grow and develop into something more serious than prejudice. This is when we start acting and treating other people in a different, often bad and inhumane way. [7] This is another possible danger of using stereotypes, which is called discrimination. There are many different types of discrimination, based on appearance, age, nationality, sex, etc. One of the most common forms of discrimination is based on a well known stereotype found in many movies, magazines, and even in cartoons. It is the stereotype of a dumb blonde. [8] It is an image of a girl who is physically attractive, but lacks brains. This stereotype is so powerful, that very often all blonde girls are considered to be stupid, and are not taken seriously, which in some cases can affect their lives, especially when it comes to their intellectual abilities. In one of the famous Hollywood movies starring Reese Witherspoon, Legally Blonde, the main character suffers the consequences of being blonde. Namely, the girl in the film enrolls in Harvard, but is immediatelly looked down on by h er colleagues, and considered to be stupid and superficial just because of her looks. However, at the end of the movie, she manages to graduate from Harvard, and proves the stereotype to be false. Although this fim is often considered to be teen-oriented and not very serious, it tells a story that can happen in real life, and it sends a message to people that stereotypes can lead to discrimination and affect peoples lives. Additionally to this, some national stereotypes can serve as a starting point for discrimination, too. In our country, Gypsies are often looked down on, and are stereotyped as dirty, uneducated, loud, and very often as thieves. Although many of us would decisively deny to be stereotyping Gypsies as such, reality is very cruel for them, and they are often victims of discrimination and even persecution. Beside this racial discrimination, in some cultures discrimination is based on the stereotypical portrayal of women as the ‘weaker sex,’ incapable of doing any kind of normal work but everyday chores. In cultures like these, (Indian, Egyptian, etc. ) women are discriminated against and their basic human rights are violated. In a recent documentary on ‘National Geographic,’[9] an American was obliged to leave his country, and go to Saudi Arabia to work. There he faced many differences between his and the Arabian culture. He was amazed by the fact that his girlfriend, who applied for a job of a photographer, was turned down with no obvious reason. However, later in the documentary, it was revealed by an Arabic woman that in their country, this was ‘not a job for a woman. ’ In their country, women are not supposed to be seen out very often, especially without their husbands, and they are supposed to take care of their home and children. This, of course, was a shock for the American, and he said he could not believe that things like this happened in 21st century. However, this proves again that stereotypes are dangerous and that they can lead to discrimination, in this case of women as a weaker sex, incapable of doing any proper job. Additionally, discrimination that results from stereotyping can even be more dangerous, if we do not take into consideration people’s feelings. Very often, especially in the age of adolescence, young people tend to stereotype their overweight friends as if they belonged to some different group of people. Although the young ones do not think about the effect of their stereotyping, it can be very painful and can cause harmful effects on the stereotyped group. Moreover, discrimination of the overweight can even be done by the teachers, the adults. For example, when I was in high school, at one of our physical education classes, we were supposed to compete in high jump. Just before the competition, the teacher told one of my friends that he did not have to take part in this, because he was aware he could not jump (he was a bit overweight). The fact that this was said in front of the whole class made him feel even more miserable. This is an example of discriminating overweight people, by stereotyping them as unable to perform things as well as the others. Situations like these can be very dangerous, and can have horrible effects on an individual, such as emotional stress and low self-esteem. [10] One of the most widely present forms of discrimination based on stereotypes is sexual discrimination. Even though we live in modern times, the issue of homosexuality is still considered to be something unacceptable, and people belonging to this ‘group’ are considered to be weird and are often stereotyped negatively. This varies from country to country, but they are generally stereotyped as effeminate, incapable of doing any serious jobs (except for fashion related ones), and many people feel some kind of inexplicable scorn towards them. This especially is the case in our country, where homosexuality is still a taboo, and where homosexuals are considered less than humans. Except for the emotional pain, these people are often turned down at a job interview, or are fired if their sexual orientation is revealed. A famous Hollywood actress, Ellen DeGeneres, in one of the shows that has been on TV recently, said that when she openly admitted she was gay, her TV show, which was at its peak at the moment, was suddenly cancelled. ‘The network executives blamed low ratings, but the reason was quite obvious,’ said the actress, alluding to her public reveal of being homosexual. This discrimination of homosexuals is an issue that has been discussed many times in the media. In a recent episode of ‘Oprah Winfrey Show,’ the topic of the day was the discrimination of homosexuals. People from all over the world were telling their sad stories, and there was even a girl from Brazil who talked about her terrible experience, when a group of angry youths attacked her, and raped her, causing her both physical and emotional injuries, just because she admitted she was homosexual. This leads us to the final and most terrible effects of stereotyping- persecution and genocide.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Lewis Carroll :: essays research papers

Of all of Lewis Carroll’s works, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has a unique standing in the category of whimsical, nonsense literature. Much has been written about how this novel contrasts with the vast amount of strict, extremely moralistic children’s literature of the Victorian time Lewis Carroll lived in. Yet, as odd as this novel appears in relation to the other Victorian children’s stories, this short novel is odder because it was written by an extremely upright, ultra conservative man; a Victorian gentleman. Even though the novel seems to contrast with the time of Lewis Carroll, many experiences of Lewis Carroll and his unique character have a great influence in the creation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll, the pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born on January 27, 1832, in Daresbury England. He was the oldest boy in a family of eleven children of Reverend Charles Dodgson and his wife, Francis Jane Lutwidge. The childhood of Lewis Carroll was relatively pleasant, full of ideas and hobbies that contributed to his future creative works. Carroll’s life at Daresbury was rather secluded, and his playmates were mostly his brothers and sisters (Green 18). Interacting with mostly his sisters, he was the "master of their ceremonies, inventor of games, magician, marionette theater manager, and editor of family journals" (DLB v. 163 45). A great deal of Carroll’s childhood was spent taking care of his little sisters, and his imagination was constantly being exercised in order to entertain them (Green 18). A childhood trouble that Carroll possessed and persisted throughout his life was stammering severely. It is suggested that his stammer may have a risen from his parent’s attempts to correct his left-handedness. This attempt early in his life may have caused Carroll to think he was not normal, therefore hurting his self-confidence (Kelly 13-14). When Carroll spoke to adults, his speech became extremely difficult to understand. Apparently, he panicked; his shyness and stammering always seemed worse when he was in a world of adults (Leach 2). Partly as a result of his stammering, he felt very comfortable around children and he was able to easily form close relationships among them. While speaking with younger children, Carroll’s stammering had magically disappeared. He "simply became one of them-whether or not they accepted him-and most did" (Pudney 20). As a child, Carroll had a fondness of inventing games and language puzzles (14). Lewis Carroll "divided himself into two names, Lewis Carroll and Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson" (DLB v.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Causes of Criminal Behavior

In today’s time, deviance and crime plaque American society. There are vast degrees of deviance, from a simple shoplifter, to a car thief, to a killing machine with no conscience, otherwise known as a serial killer. How is this killing machine created? Where and how does this type of criminal behavior begin? The answers to these questions must be addressed in order to stop the formation of deviance. While searching for these answers, the nature vs. nurture is brought up. Scientist and psychologists have debated over whether a child’s upbringing forms their behavior or whether they are born with a personality disorder, or could it be their body type and brain set up? (Jones 1) Society may never truly know all the causes of this behavior but for now, they wrong upbringing can, without a doubt, increase the chances of violent behavior. It has been said for years that ones parents are the base to make someone the person they become as an adult. Parents are a young child’s role model, but as we grow older we start to have other influences in our lives. People such as our friends, teachers, and other family members are considered to be part of our outside environment. In today’s time we are seeing less nuclear families and more single parent households. (Waggoner 30) Kimberly J. Waggoner did a study called, â€Å"The Project of Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods† which followed 80 young kids, till the age of 30, to see what kind of an impact their childhood had on them as an adult. She found that without two reliable role models, it can make a difference in that child’s behavior. Waggoner 30) She makes a great point that, â€Å"Grandmothers often play an important role in preventing children from developing antisocial behavior, especially those children born to teen mothers. In essence, children with access to extended family and other role models can thrive in a single- parent home. † She also goes on to say, â€Å"Yet, some studies have found that boys raised by their birth mother and a stepfat her are no better off than boys raised by mom alone. † (Waggoner 30) The cause of this could be that the boys look at their stepfather as competitors, rather than role models, who normally help children develop their self-esteem. Boys need to have that male role model in their lives. Without a solid home environment, it could lead a child towards the first step to criminal behavior, which is delinquent behavior. It starts as young as preschool. The child shows aggressive behavior toward their peers, and is than deemed as an outcast. Most times, this creates poor peer relations and causes those children to b e with others who share similar behaviors; usually these relationships continue into adolescents and maybe even adulthood. Waggoner 28) A child’s environment and upbringing has a tremendous effect on who they become as an adult. â€Å"As an adult, we can choose the environment in which to live, and this will either positively or negatively reinforce our personality traits†¦ However, children are limited to the extent of choosing their environment, which accounts for the greater influence of environmental factors in childhood behavior,† says Caitlin Jones, a professor at the Rochester Ins titute of Technology. Jones 4) Even though all these things can cause criminal behavior, they are not the only causes. Parents could be great and do almost everything right and still have a criminal child on their hands. It is a great question they may never be answered, what makes some people commit vindictive criminal acts, while others could not even kill a fly? We may never truly know the answer but, there are plenty of theories on the brain of a criminal. An Italian psychiatrist by the name of Cesare Lombroso has done countless studies of the skulls of criminals and found, â€Å"†¦ each type of crime is committed by men with a particular physiognomic characteristics, such as a lack of a bred or an abundance of hair†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Rafter 69) In 1876 during an in depth study, Lombroso discovered most skulls of criminals were unusually small or malformed. Some of the skulls had a median occipital fossetta, and others had â€Å"monkeylike anomalies†. (Rafter 70) Criminals are said to look like everyone else, but there are little differences that to the normal person, go unnoticed. So they really do not look a whole lot different than the rest of us, yet they are still thought to be â€Å"backward intellectually compared to an honest man. †(Rafter 69) Another theory behind the criminal mind was brought up in the late 18th century by a German physician named Johann Gasper Spurzheim, and he came to what he thought, was an inescapable conclusion, â€Å"†¦ on the basis of numerous examples I have identified the primary cause of homicide, overdevelopment of the organ of Destructiveness, which is the seat of both negative and useful forms of destruction†¦It is commonly larger in men than women. (Rafter 78) Crimes are committed everyday; there are so many theories on the causes of crime one could talk about them for days. I believe both Lombroso and Spurzheim had great points; criminals are considered to be backward, which causes them to be vain, vindictive, remorseless, and undeterrable. Than, Spurzheim, believing in his organ of Destructiveness. Th ere is just one thing wrong with both of these theories; they leave out the women criminals. Men may be considered to be more physically violent than women but, they are just as capable as men at committing a violent act. Take the case of Andre Yates: in 2001, she systematically drowned her five children in a bath tub. Andre married a man by the name of Rusty Yates in 1993, and than she became pregnant six times in seven years, one ended in a miscarriage. Rusty insisted that Yates home school and take full care of the children herself. This placed heavy burdens on her and isolated her from social support. In early 2001, Andre lost her father and was prescribed antipsychotic drugs, she had her last child and went into postpartum psychosis. After drowning the children, Yates confessed she was not a good mother and was possessed by Satan. (Rafter 6) All the burdens of schooling, caring and cleaning up after five children can drive some mothers crazy. She could not handle all that stress than, after the trauma of losing her father, and having another baby, Andre Yates finally snapped. She is now incarcerated in a mental hospital. Cesare Lombroso also studied women criminals. He compared female offenders to their male counterparts and found â€Å"the few violent women exceed men in their ferocity and cruelty. (Rafter 71) Of course, there are far more crimes that are committed by men than women, yet women should not be eliminated from the world of crime. A criminal is a criminal, regardless of gender. Why do some offenders only commit one crime and others make a career out of it? A range of thoughts and theories exist. Some of those include: Kimberly Waggoner and all her ideas of childhood causes, outside environment, and our upbringing, Caitlin Jones and being able to choose our own environment as an adult to stop potential criminals. Also important are those of Nicole Rafter and the criminal brain, along with Lombroso, on women criminals and their male counterparts. Criminal behavior has been the subject for debate for centuries and will continue to be for centuries to come because, â€Å"Criminals are remorseless, incapable of resisting impulse to harm others, and morally savage, but in other aspects normal. † (Rafter 20) Hopefully, with all the knowledge we have and the studies yet to come, it will help to end the frustration that criminal justice psychiatrist experience while trying to fight crime, instead they will be able to understand, control and prevent crime.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The main idea that runs through Christianity is that everybody should be treated equally

The main idea that runs through Christianity is that everybody should be treated equally. This is shown when Jesus said â€Å"Love one another, as I have loved you, so you must love one another,† (John 13). This means that you should like everybody as Jesus did and so coloured people should not be hated. To any Christian this shows that everyone should get on with one another as Jesus did, nobody is different in any physical form whether they are black or any other different race in the eyes of god they should still be loved. In Genesis 1:27 it says that â€Å"God created human beings, making them to be like himself.† So as we are like God we should treat one another as god would. Therefore again showing that we should treat everyone equally including different races etc as God would. A key point towards the Christian views to racism is written in James 2:8-9 where it states one should love people for what they are not what they look like. So a Coloured person may have a good personality, which you should like that person for, but you should not hate that person because of that persons appearance. Another point which comes across in Matthew 5:38-40 is one which would be very difficult to practise in a modern day society, as it is natural when somebody hits you for you to hit them back. Jesus in this passage is trying to say ignore those who harm you â€Å"if anyone slaps you on your left cheek let him slap you on your right cheek.† This is a statement for the oppressed i.e. like coloured people were. It is an ideal ethic and Christians believe we should aim for it, but in this modern day world it is extremely difficult to achieve. Gandhi used this greatly to his advantage in India, which was occupied by the British, and it worked. Throughout these passages in the bible it is proven what Christian views should be towards coloured people: Love them like you love yourself Judge them upon there character not what they look like And even if they are your enemy you should still treat them well. Where Martin Luther king was born was born slavery had been abolished in 1865 but segregation continued. Negroes were rated as inferior and insecure by the whites, they were discriminated against, intimidated, people were prejudice towards them, much of the white population were racist and the Blacks tried to fight for equal rights. Martin Luther king was Christian and when dealing with the problems the blacks faced this was a key factor. When King went to university a person of the name Gandhi impressed him. This was due to the fact of his un-violent protests, which turned out to be a very strong political weapon, and in its whole the use of un-violent protest led to the independence of India. This also related to King's Christian beliefs, if someone hits you on the right cheek let him or her hit you on the left. In 1954 he became a Baptist minister. He first went to Montgomery, Alabama. On December 5, 1955, five days after Montgomery civil rights activist Rosa Parks refused to obey the city's rules mandating segregation on buses, black residents launched a bus boycott and elected King as president of the newly formed Montgomery Improvement Association. King was very much for this as it was a non-violent protest and the authorities could do nothing about it immediately as the coloured community were doing nothing aggressive and wrong, in essence they were following the way of the bible and Christian views. As the boycott continued during 1956, King gained national importance as a result of his exceptional â€Å"oratorical skills and personal courage.† His house was bombed and he was convicted along with other boycott leaders on charges of conspiring to interfere with the bus company's operations. But because of his Christian believes he refrained form turning to violence and he followed the bible degrading people who were aggressive and he refrained from fight ing back. The boycott ended in 1956 with a mandate from the Supreme Court outlawing all segregated public transport in the city. During the spring of 1963, he and his staff guided mass demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama, where local white police officials were known from their â€Å"anti-black attitudes†. The protesters acted peacefully under Martin Luther kings guidance. Clashes between black demonstrators and police using police dogs and fire hoses generated newspaper headlines through the world. But whenever they came under attack they would kneel and prey. In June, President Kennedy reacted to the Birmingham protests and the â€Å"obstinacy of segregationist†. King and other civil rights leaders then organised a massive march in Washington, D.C. On Aug. 28, 1963, over 200,000 Americans, including many whites, gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in the capital. The high point of the rally was King's stirring â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech, which â€Å"eloquently defined the moral basis of the civil rights movement.† The moral basis of this was based greatly on Christian views. That of which states everyone is equal and also no black is inferior to a white person as so in the bible. As Luther said in his speech â€Å"all men are created equal†. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited racial discrimination in public places and called for equal opportunity in employment and education. King later received the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. During the 1965 Selma to Montgomery march, King and his lieutenants were able to keep intra-movement conflicts sufficiently under control to bring about passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, while seeking to assist a garbage workers' strike in Memphis. After his death, King remained a controversial symbol of the African-American civil rights struggle. Throughout Kings life of protesting he always tried to use non-violent methods. In 1955 he said these following words â€Å"†¦we have no choice but to protest. There will be no threats from bullying. Love will be our ideal. Love your enemies, bless them, and pray for them. Let no man pull you so low as to make you hate him†. Again King always followed his Christian routes making sure he always carried out non-violent protests, loved his enemies and taking whatever the enemy through at him, making him a true Christian. First of all I would like to address the fact of why people may find it in their hearts to be racist. Around a hundred years ago Coloured people were treated like they were insignificant and less important than whites due to their skin colour in many areas of the world, for instance England. One of the factors in the hatred of coloured people was that everyone else was doing it so you would be the odd one out if you didn't do it. This is better known as â€Å"peer pressure†, where the mass go the rest will follow. Just this fact was one of the key influences. Also some people felt that if the whites stopped mall treating the blacks the blacks would turn back on the whites and ruin them. So they just kept on treating the blacks like they had always done and how they had been brought up to do. But then you should also ask the question why people didn't do it. It was generally because of their religions, which they followed strictly, stating that all men are equal and that you should treat your neighbour how you would wish to be treated. Also some people felt sorry for the Blacks and wanted to help. So after all those years of hatred for the blacks many people would ask what was gained. Somebody from the Ku Kluck Klan may say that it terrorised the blacks and put them in their rightful place. Where as the majority now a days would say it was a pointless waste of lives and terribly unjust, people should be treated by means of their character, not by their appearance whatever that may be. I think that nobody on earth has the right to be racist in any shape or form. But there is a certain place where I draw the line. Jokes for instance can often be directed at another person's nationality or colour and the person who is the â€Å"victim† of the joke may often find it funny. But to be racist I think it can be a deeply offensive joke or much worse than a joke, hatred for one. Surely people shouldn't be racist it says in the bible to love one another, to judge people on their characters and not on their appearance and to even love your enemies. On top of this racism is terrible, it can ruins peoples lives, lead to death and leave whole countries in uproar. What is the point in it? I find it totally pointless and also morally unacceptable in the modern world were we should treat everyone equally no matter of their appearance.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Black Death

The Black Death was the most known incidence of the bubonic plague that killed at least 25 million people throughout Europe during the 14th century. The bubonic plague first appeared in Asia then moved at an alarmingly fast speed along the trade routes towards Europe carried by fleas that infested on rats (Hollister 1974). The disease was extremely swift where as explained by Boccaccio (1351) victims often â€Å"ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise†. The impact that the pestilence had on Europe was extreme and the psychological effects must never be underestimated. Immediate responses differ widely between people with some choosing to flee from their cities and family towards the countryside, others giving way to religious frenzy and debauchery, while some remained faithfully at their posts hoping for divine protection (Hollister 1974). No matter what people did nothing halted the disease and no one emerged from the ordeal unaffected. Psychologically, the plague altered the way people of the 14th and 15th centuries viewed the world. Nobody wept for the dead, since each person was awaiting their own death, and so many died that everyone thought that the world was coming to an end. One of the firsts and most obvious consequences from the enormous amount of life lost was human behaviour and psychology (Holmes 1988). When the plague first attacked, the commonplaces of everyday life just stopped, peasants stopped ploughing, merchants closed their shops, and even churchmen stopped offering last rites (Gottfried 1983). Boccaccio’s ‘The Decameron’ not only details the horrid physical effects the plague had on people but also the social, the plague forced people to run from one another, â€Å"brother abandoned brother†¦wife abandoned husband, and even worse, almost unbelievable- fathers and mothers neglected to tend and care for their children, as if they were not their own†. This is support ed by Di... Free Essays on The Black Death Free Essays on The Black Death The Black Death was the most known incidence of the bubonic plague that killed at least 25 million people throughout Europe during the 14th century. The bubonic plague first appeared in Asia then moved at an alarmingly fast speed along the trade routes towards Europe carried by fleas that infested on rats (Hollister 1974). The disease was extremely swift where as explained by Boccaccio (1351) victims often â€Å"ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise†. The impact that the pestilence had on Europe was extreme and the psychological effects must never be underestimated. Immediate responses differ widely between people with some choosing to flee from their cities and family towards the countryside, others giving way to religious frenzy and debauchery, while some remained faithfully at their posts hoping for divine protection (Hollister 1974). No matter what people did nothing halted the disease and no one emerged from the ordeal unaffected. Psychologically, the plague altered the way people of the 14th and 15th centuries viewed the world. Nobody wept for the dead, since each person was awaiting their own death, and so many died that everyone thought that the world was coming to an end. One of the firsts and most obvious consequences from the enormous amount of life lost was human behaviour and psychology (Holmes 1988). When the plague first attacked, the commonplaces of everyday life just stopped, peasants stopped ploughing, merchants closed their shops, and even churchmen stopped offering last rites (Gottfried 1983). Boccaccio’s ‘The Decameron’ not only details the horrid physical effects the plague had on people but also the social, the plague forced people to run from one another, â€Å"brother abandoned brother†¦wife abandoned husband, and even worse, almost unbelievable- fathers and mothers neglected to tend and care for their children, as if they were not their own†. This is support ed by Di...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Tasks of Technical Writing

The Tasks of Technical Writing The Tasks of Technical Writing The Tasks of Technical Writing By Mark Nichol If you’ve ever read an instruction manual, you know what technical writing is, though it comes in many other forms. The three basic categories of technical writing are: end-user documentation, which helps consumers build, operate, and/or repair tools, devices, software, and hardware. technical documentation, which includes repair manuals, maintenance guides, and engineering specifications; white papers, research papers, or journal articles; reference guides; and annual reports. marketing copy, such as advertisements, brochures, catalogs, press releases, and home page content. Technical writing is accomplished according to various considerations: Format: Will it be published in print, or online? Will the writer submit raw text to be formatted later, or is the writer responsible for its presentation as well? Source: Will the writer obtain information from one or more people with pertinent knowledge (often referred to as subject-matter experts), from provided print or online resources, from materials the writer will have to identify and locate, or from a combination of sources? Audience: What is the technical ability of the readership? Are readers laypeople, people familiar with but not proficient in the topic, or experts? The expected format determines whether the writer is expected to be an information designer as well, the source(s) determine whether the writer needs interviewing and/or research skills as well as writing skills, and the audience determines whether and to what extent the writer must define or revise technical terms and/or simplify descriptions and explanations. Technical writers must of course have an aptitude for explaining sometimes complicated procedures in clear language. It is also helpful for them to know principles of instructional design and be able to produce and present visual and audio materials to augment or replace written content. In addition, technical writers are often called on to create more than one version of a document to accommodate users with various levels of expertise. But the most important proficiencies for technical writers are problem solving and troubleshooting, because those who create documentation are in the best position to note and respond to obstacles and inconsistencies in its production; like any writer or editor, the technical writer is the reader’s representative, examining documentation from the user’s point of view and ensuring that it anticipates any questions or concerns they may have. The range of professional disciplines in which technical writing is conducted is diverse. Documentation is required in the following areas: computer software and hardware tools and appliances machines and vehicles toys and sports equipment finance and banking science and medicine politics and social policy law and law enforcement Similar job titles include technical editor, information architect, and user-interface designer; people in these roles perform related functions but help refine and format the work of technical writers or produce documentation independently. Considering the array of tasks and the spectrum of subject matter involved in technical communications, if you have a knack for explaining and for organizing and presenting information, you’re likely to find a professional niche that’s right for you. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a UK Business LetterDawned vs. DonnedPresent Participle as Adjective

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Analysis of The Effects of Globalisation Research Paper

Analysis of The Effects of Globalisation - Research Paper Example According to (Giddens 2001), globalization is "the growing interdependence between different people, regions, and countries in the world as social and economic relationships come to stretch worldwide". The International Forum on Globalization defines it as, "the present worldwide drive toward a globalized economic system dominated by supranational corporate trade and banking institutions that are not accountable to democratic processes or national governments." (Rosenberg 2000) defines "The term 'globalization' after all, is at first sight merely a descriptive category, denoting either the geographical extension of social processes or possibly, as in Giddens' definition, 'the intensification of worldwide social relations'." According to the (World Bank Brief 2000) globalization gained pace in the 1980s and 1990s, with the advancements in information technology, transportation, and global communications. These include improved telecommunications, the Internet and faster world travel, to name a few. These technological improvements enabled people to transport goods, services, and knowledge, faster, farther and more reliably. Governments have also adopted more open policies that allow for closer international economic cooperation. All these factors contribute to globalization. Â  In governance and business, many of today's leaders have lost sight of their visions for their organizations because of globalization. Globalization has proceeded throughout history at a fast pace and with uneven intensity. Many organizations have experienced changes due to globalization. They have realized the acceleration once again late in this century, after almost 50 years of regression. More and more, national economies today integrated into single global markets through trade, finance, production, and a dense web of international treaties and institutions. My research will explore the relationship between the different elements that are associated with the new developments of globalization. Â  My study on this topic uses historical and descriptive analysis, which I considered more of a qualitative research approach to the study of globalization. In using this method, I found that it helps to trace the roots of the research problem and its effect on the present debate about globalization. At the same time, it helps to explore the relationship between the different elements that are associated with the contemporary developments of globalization.